Analyze the dominant minority relations for two disadvantaged groups during colonial times and during WWII. Discuss the relationship and how the disadvantaged group dealt with either racism, discrimination or prejudice. Define and analyze sociological concepts and theories that pertain to these issues
PowerPoint presentation- Analyze the dominant minority relations for two disadvantaged groups during colonial times and during WWII. Discuss the relationship and how the disadvantaged group dealt with either racism, discrimination or prejudice. Define and analyze sociological concepts and theories that pertain to these issues.put together a presentation Your Presentation must do the following:1) Describe and illustrate a historical example occurring in the U.S. between colonial times to WWII that demonstrates the development of dominant-minority relations for TWO different disadvantaged groups (groups may include those based on race, gender, ethnicity, class, country of origin, religion, or another status relevant to stratification). You must integrate the course materials.2) Analyze ways in which the two disadvantaged groups you chose to cope with discrimination and prejudice today. For example, have they created anti-defamation leagues, lobbied for changes in laws, created a social movement, or taken other measures toward non-discrimination and equality? Please be specific. (You will need to research this information outside of the course materials; include at least 2 peer-reviewed journal articles that are five years old or less).3) Define and analyze two concepts (for example racism, sexism, stratification, patriarchy, etc.) from our course materials, explaining how these concepts help us better understand the two groups you are discussing. You may find our Sociological Theories and Concepts Toolkit to be helpful (found in Announcements).4) Define and analyze two sociological theories (for example, feminist theory, critical race theory, conflict theory, symbolic interactionism, functionalist theory, etc.) from our course materials or outside scholarly sources, explaining how these theories help us better understand the two groups you are discussing. You may find our Sociological Theories and Concepts Toolkit to be helpful (found in Announcements).