Body Fit for Life is one of the leaders in home gym  equipment. The company recently hired you to help develop its website.  You must first create a web page for its latest model home gym, XJS500,  an upgrade to its previous model with new features. The XJS500 is a  resistance-based machine that allows users to adjust tension by  selecting different resistance bands on the machine.

 Should be 3 separate files
Body Fit for Life is one of the leaders in home gym  equipment. The company recently hired you to help develop its website.  You must first create a web page for its latest model home gym, XJS500,  an upgrade to its previous model with new features. The XJS500 is a  resistance-based machine that allows users to adjust tension by  selecting different resistance bands on the machine. Download the following files:

Overview and features of the XJS500
Image file and logo.jpg displaying the company logo
Body_Fit_For_Life.jpg, an image of the XJS500

You can also supplement these files with any other  resources you have. You’re responsible for the content and appearance of  the page.
To complete this task:

Create an HTML file named BodyFitForLife.html.
In the head element, include the appropriate page title, along with a  comment that describes the purpose of the page, your name, and the  date.
Include at least one example of each of the following in the document: 

Ordered or unordered list
Character formatting element
Inline image
Horizontal line
Special character
Block-level element that isn’t a heading, paragraph, list, or horizontal line

Demonstrate your understanding of inline styles by including at least two different examples of an inline style.
Use proper HTML syntax at all times. Close all two-sided tags.  Properly nest all tags. Use lowercase element and attribute names.  Enclose attribute values in quotes.
Include alternate text for nongraphical browsers with inline images.

Write your code so that it will be easy to read and understand.
(You  may download and use two image files from the Internet, citing where  you downloaded them from, and create a list of three to five features at  your discretion.)

Save your HTML file and then view the resulting web page in a browser.

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