Create a Blog Post About How to Ethically Review and Write About Academic Literature


The concepts and practices associated with academic research and writing with integrity are intricate, interwoven, and essential parts of completing advanced graduate studies, be it an EdS, or a terminal degree such as an EdD, or PhD. While we do offer software such as Grammarly and Turnitin that will help you catch errors in your work, it’s important to understand how to avoid issues such as plagiarism, to begin with, and how to hone your skills in conducting academic research. Do one of the following:

Conducting Academic Research

One of the most challenging parts of scholarship is the actual process of finding, reading, and synthesizing literature. Thankfully, we have the support to help!  Our library offers 1:1 appointments and consultations about research, how to get started, understanding research software and more.  Further, we aim to support students in their literature searches through support areas including how to search for literature, evaluating research, finding similar resources, and more!  Please check out the links in the LibGuide to navigate!
While there is no one “right” way to conduct academic research, our librarians can help you navigate what can be a tricky process.

Complete plagiarism-the intentional use of another’s complete material claimed as your own.

Direct plagiarism-word for word copy/paste of another’s materials. “Direct” differs from complete in how much of the work is plagiarized.

Paraphrasing plagiarism-Making only minor changes to another’s materials and not including citation.

Self-Plagiarism-Reusing your own work without attribution. Keep this in mind as you move from class to class, you cannot simply re-use parts of your work. However, you can and will reuse parts of your dissertation, when you are drafting it. You’ll work through those processes at that time.

Patchwork Plagiarism-Also known as mosaic plagiarism: Using part of another’s work woven into your own work, without attribution.

Source-based plagiarism-Sometimes known as attribution plagiarism: Use of others work (and with attribution), but in a way that is misleading or inaccurate.

Accidental plagiarism-Unintentional lack of acknowledgement to others.

Remember, plagiarism is not just about text, but about graphics as well, so you must not only accurately source your materials, but honestly and ethically represent them as well.

Academic Integrity Violations

An academic integrity violation (AIV) is what we use as a warning to students that they have committed a form (intentional or unintentional) of plagiarism.   Often, these violations come from high scores on a Turnitin report, but that is not the only way a faculty member may become aware of an integrity violation. 
One of the best ways to avoid an AIV is to learn the rules of the road about plagiarism, in all its forms, and how you can avoid it.  An AIV is not an automatic dismissal from your course or program, but rather a learning moment for you. The severity of the AIV will dictate the next course of action

Understanding University Expectations

Once you have an idea of what you need to do to ensure your academic success and write in a scholarly voice, it is important to understand your university’s expectations. To understand our expectations, take a look at Great Start’s Unit Four: Expectations to understand the culture of the university, review policies and procedures, and get some tips on engaging with faculty and your course. Now that you have had a general overview of Academic integrity, you will explore specifically how our resources can help you to write and cite with confidence and integrity. When you are finished with Unit Four, complete the checklist and quiz and take stock of your experience with this unit. You will utilize your knowledge of academic resources, plagiarism, and academic integrity to complete this week’s blog post. 


For this 10-point assignment, use what you learned in this lesson and in Great Start‘s Unit 4: Expectations (
the information above will help you) to create a blog post that focuses on how to ethically conduct and write about academic literature and avoid plagiarism.
This blog should include up to 1,000 words.
I will create the blog, you just provide text about how to ethically conduct and write about academic literature and avoid plagiarism.

Cutri, J., Abraham, A., Karlina, Y., Patel, S. V., Moharami, M., Zeng, S., Manzari, E., & Pretorius, L. (2021). Academic integrity at doctoral level: The influence of the imposter phenomenon and cultural differences on academic writing. International Journal for Educational Integrity, 17(1). -look up this resource use in the BLOG and other sources that could help support this BLOG!


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