Critically evaluate and discuss the integration of technology in the ELA classroom.

Using technology-based resources within the English language arts classroom supports real-world
applications and helps to inspire teachers in their lesson planning and instructional practices. Continually
exploring technology resources that can be utilized within the classroom demonstrates a teaching
best practice.
Observe an English language arts lesson taught by a certified K-8 teacher that integrates educational
technology to enhance instruction. During the observation, take note of how technology was used and
its effectiveness.
Following your observation, collaborate with your mentor teacher to discuss the integration of technology in
the ELA classroom. Specifically discuss with your mentor teacher his or her practices related to ensuring
the safe, legal, and ethical use of technology in the classroom.
Use any remaining field experience hours to assist the teacher in providing instruction and support to
the class.
Reflect on your observation and discussion by addressing the following:
During the lesson you observed, what technology resources did your mentor teacher use?
Describe the ways in which the observed technology positively or negatively contributed to instruction
and engagement.

What specific additional technology could have been used within the lesson and how would you have
used them?

How does your mentor teacher ensure the safe, legal, and ethical use of technology and information
accessed from the technological resources?

Explain how you will use your findings related to the use of technology in ELA instruction in your future
professional practice.

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