Discuss what you feel the United States should set as renewable energy goal and how we should be begin to attain that goal.

Question #1: ?It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.? Albert Einstein (Scientist)The United States is considered one of the leaders in energy management and technology.However, we have a long way to go before we are in a good position to declare a victory of the energy crisis.Using the website, listed below, as a starting point discuss what you feel the United States should set as renewable energy goal and how we should be begin to attain that goal.Please feel free to do research if necessary but please remember citations.YOU MAY NEED TO CUT AND PASTE THIS LINK AND NOT CLICK ON IT.I am unsure why it doesn?t work as a hyperlink. Question #2: Former President Obama?s was quoted as saying, ?[w]e can?t have an energy strategy for the last century that traps us in the past. We need an energy strategy for the future ? an all-of-the-above strategy for the 21st century that develops every source of American-made energy.?Do you agree or disagree? And how do you think our government should best utilize ?American-made energy??You can start your research/response by reading the article below which discusses how much is really spent on energy.The article is a few years old but should give you a good base line for your response. Use the quote and this article to further discuss your analysis of the current and future situation of energy in our country. Please feel free to do research if necessary but please remember citations.YOU WILL NEED TO CUT AND PASTE THIS LINK AND NOT CLICK ON IT.I am unsure why it doesn?t work as a hyperlink.  Question #3: Using this website link as your starting point, please discuss why wind farms have become important as an energy resource.In addition, please discuss if you agree or disagree with the use of wind farms in the metropolitan area?Finally, discuss your opinions with the NIMBY (not in my back yard) feelings that slow down development of many beneficial environmental projects including wind farms?Please feel free to research if necessary but as always, remember to cite. YOU MAY NEED TO CUT AND PASTE THIS LINK AND NOT CLICK ON IT.I am unsure why they don?t work as a hyperlinks.

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