Explain in your own words the ethical responsibilities communication researchers face and must address in their research.
This online activity focuses on information found in Chapter 3 of your textbook. All parts of the assignment must be completed in order to receive credit. You will be graded not only on whether or not you completed all parts, but on the quality of your answers. Once you finish this activity, you must upload to Canvas by the specified due date on the syllabus. ============================================================================= Exploring Research Ethics and the IRB Instructions: Read the following questions carefully and answer them thoroughly. 1. Explain in your own words the ethical responsibilities communication researchers face and must address in their research. 2. Search on the CSUN website for information about the Institutional Review Board or Human Subjects Review Committee. After reviewing the site, answer the following questions: a. What is the URL for the site? Copy and paste the URL in the space below. b. Are students responsible for obtaining permission to conduct research that is only to be submitted as coursework? If yes, describe the procedures that apply. c. Are students responsible for obtaining permission to conduct research that may be submitted to a convention or conference? If yes, describe the procedures that apply.3. For a study using quantitative research methods, describe how you might assign identification numbers to participants who respond to a questionnaire. 4. Assume you have just collected audiotaped interviews from 10 people in your citys government.