His V/S include: B/P 190/100, P- 90, T- 98.9, R- 22. Recent labs show that Total Cholesterol- 260, LDL-190, HDL- 35, Triglycerides- 320. He did not return for these results and did not start any new meds.What are your diagnoses and include rationales with references:1-Hypertension:2-Hypercholesterolemia:3-Hypertriglyceridemia:Write plan of care for this patient
His V/S include: B/P 190/100, P- 90, T- 98.9, R- 22. Recent labs show that Total Cholesterol- 260, LDL-190, HDL- 35, Triglycerides- 320. He did not return for these results and did not start any new meds.What are your diagnoses and include rationales with references:1-Hypertension:2-Hypercholesterolemia:3-Hypertriglyceridemia:Write plan of care for this patient?What is the treatment pharmacologic (with references)What is non-pharmacologic treatment/education/follow up.ExpectationsAPA format with intext citationsWord count minimum of 250, not including references.References: 2 high-level scholarly references within the last 5 years in APA format.Plagiarism free.Turnitin receipt.