Identify factors (physical, developmental, financial, religious, and psychological) that impact the elder’s ability to meet these needs.

St. Paul’s School of Nursing


Well Elder Rubric

  1. Communication Assessment 40%
  • Initials
  • Height and Weight
  • Age / DOB
  • Gender
  • Education level
  • Occupation
  • Home Assessment
  • Income/Health Insurance
  • Primary Care Provider
  • Diet
  • Level of Independence
  • Use of Assistive devices
  • Use of visual or hearing aids
  • Hobbies/interests
  • Smoker/Alcohol/Drugs
  • Medications (OTC and RX)
  • Ethnicity/religion/culture
  • Language Spoken
  • Marital Status/Children
  • Identification of health risks
  • Teaching Plan 40%
  • Identify teaching needs
  • Identify two learning objectives
  • Identify teaching resources used
  • Identify domain of learning
  • Content of teaching plan
  • Teaching strategies
  • Evaluation of teaching plan
  • Completion of Self Reflective Journal 20%
  • Describe your interaction with the elder
  • Feeling during assessment
  • Use of Communication

Saint Paul’s School of Nursing

Staten Island, New York

NUR 100: Well Elder Assessment

Your assignment is to develop a therapeutic relationship with a well elder in the community to learn about the aging process, and to develop skill and experience with the nursing process.  This will be the foundation for assessing elderly individuals who are ill.

You will assess the communication and safety needs of the well elder, and you will keep a self-reflective journal documenting your experience with the assessment process, and evaluating your use of the nursing process.


  1. Assess the communication and safety needs of the well elder.
  2. Identify factors (physical, developmental, financial, religious, and psychological) that impact the elder’s ability to meet these needs.
  3. Describe the communication and safety concerns you have identified.
  4. Develop a Teaching plan to meet the identified needs.


  1. Use the focus interview questions to guide your assessments.
  2. Try to use open ended questions.
  3. Avoid judgmental responses.
  4. Write in your journal after EACH encounter with the elder.
  5. Choose one topic; communication or safety and develop the Teaching Plan.


In the journal, describe your interactions with the elder and your feelings during the assessment and analyze your use of communication.


                This assignment MUST be typed.


Step 1

Identify a teaching need that you have assessed (communication, safety, nutrition).

Ex. Nutrition: low sodium diet

Step 2

Identify TWO learning objectives to meet this teaching need. 

Using the following domains of learning, identify TWO domains of learning that will address the learning objectives.

Cognitive learning domain is exhibited by a person’s intellectual abilities (what learner is able to do).

Affective learning domain addresses a learner’s emotions towards learning experiences (what learner chooses to do.

Psychomotor learning domain refers to the use of basic motor skills, coordination and physical movement (what learner can perform).

Ex. 1. The learner will identify 3 foods low in sodium.        

           Cognitive domain

      2. The learner will substitute foods high in sodium with foods low in sodium.         

           Affective Domain

      3. The learner will prepare a low sodium meal using a recipe from Health Eating Cookbook.

           Psychomotor Domain

Step 3

What resources will you use to implement your teaching plan?

Ex. Family member; significant other; printed material from the Internet Food Pyramid Web site; American Heart Association website; DASH diet; Health Eating Cookbook.

IMPORTANT:  A copy of printed material from one resource must be handed in with the assignment.

Step 4

What do you want to teach?

Content Outline:

  1. Define low sodium diet
  2. Food Pyramid
    1. Foods low in sodium
    1. Foods high in sodium
  3. DASH diet
  4. Product labels and their sodium content
  5. How to prepare a low sodium meal

Step 5

What teaching strategies will you use for each domain of learning?


Cognitive Domain: Discussion on what a low sodium diet consists of.  Review components of the food pyramid. Use printed materials to reinforce teaching (Food Pyramid, DASH diet). Identify learner’s knowledge of low sodium products through discussion.  Allow time for questions regarding printed material.

Affective Domain: Discussion identifying foods low in sodium and high in sodium.  Role playing – how to read product labels. With household food products, role -play with learner to identify sodium content on labels.  Have learner / family members select 3 food products they commonly use that are high in sodium. Discuss substituting these items with low sodium products.  Permit learner to express their acceptance of substituting the products.  Have learner practice preparing a low sodium meal whole providing feedback.

Psychomotor Domain: Demonstrate how to prepare a low sodium meal using recipes from Healthy Eating Cookbook.  Choose a recipe that learner will be able to prepare for lunch or dinner.   Assist learner in making a shopping list of low sodium items.  Have learner practice preparing a low sodium meal while providing feedback. 

Step 6

How successful was your teaching?

Evaluate each learning objective.  What changes did the learner make to meet each objective (be specific; identify positive and negative comments.

Communication Assessment

  1. Identify a relatively healthy individual 65 years or older. 
  • Obtain permission for the interviews from the elder.
  • Using the following questions as a guide, assess the well elder’s ability to communicate. Keep in mind the influence of culture, age, gender and developmental level.

Client’s initials____________                             Age/ DOB___________________

Height and Weight________                            Gender_____________________

Education level/Where did you go to school? __________________________

Occupation __________________________ Number of years_____________

Home assessment (who does the client live with? Do they own or rent their home? )

Living arrangements___________________________________________________


                     Income/Health Insurance (does the client have an adequate income? Health insurance?

                     What type?)___________________________________________________________

`                      _____________________________________________________________________

Primary Care Provider (how often does the client see the physician? Does he/she go to a clinic? Is this a primary health care provider or does the client see a different provider each time?)________________________________________________________________


Diet_____________________________ Level of Independence______________________

Use of Assistive devices_________________

Use of visual or hearing aids__________________



Smoker (# number of years? Packs per day) ______________________________________

Alcohol use (# number of years? Amount per day) ________________________________

Present, past drug use? ______________________________________________________

Medications (OTC and RX) List the medications and their uses.  Include vitamins, cold medicine, herbal remedies) ___________________________________________________







Ethnicity – where was the client born? If an immigrant, how long has the client lived in the US?)_____________________________________________________________________

What is client’s primary language? Knows English?-Ability to read and write in primary language? ________________________________________________________________


Religion – with what religion does the client identify? ____________________________

Does the client engage on a regular basis in specific religious/spiritual practices that may impact on health? ________________________________________________________

Culture – Does the client engage in cultural practices that impact on his/her health perception? ______________________________________________________________


Marital Status/Children

Is the client married? _______________________ How many years? _______________

Is the client’s spouse living? _________________   Does the client have children? _____

List the children by age and if they are a source of support for the client/  Do they live nearby? _______________________________________________________________


Health (Past medical/surgical history) How does the client define health? _____________



Who makes decisions regarding the client’s health? _______________________________

What are the client’s health risks? ______________________________________________


Home Safety Assessment

Home exterior Home interior (cont) Bedroom Hallways 
Sidewalks:   Even Flooring            wood Conventional Cluttered 
                      Smooth Tile Hospital bed Free from clutter 
                      Cracked Floor mats Lighting Lighting 
                      Missing   Overhead Overhead 
Steps:           Number Furniture       sturdy Wall units Wall units 
          clearly marked                Broken Countertop Countertop 
          Even spread   Wall night light Wall night light 
          Broken Telephone Floor night light Floor night light 
Handrail     1 side Smoke detector Flooring              wood Flooring              wood 
                    2 sides CO2 detector     Carpeting     Carpeting 
                    None   Secured area rugs Secured area rugs 
Handicap ramp Bathroom: Furniture   
Lighting:  0utside door    Wheelchair access Sturdy Miscellaneous 
                 Inside door Toilet: Broken Assistive devices 
                 None Convenient Cluttered Walker 
  Raised seat Free of clutter Cane 
Home interior Grab bars Telephone Crutches 
Steps:           Number Sink     free standing Near bed Wheelchair 
          clearly marked Counter top Far from bed Air conditioning 
          Even spread Tub/shower Smoke detector Wall units 
          Broken       Grab bars   Central air 
  Safety mat Living Room Heating               Gas 
Kitchen/dining Medicine cabinet Furniture Oil 
Appliances  Free of clutter Sturdy Fire extinguisher 
        refrigerator Cluttered Broken Portable heaters 
Stove/microwave Expired meds Cluttered Candles 
Dishwasher Lighting Free of clutter Fireplace 
All grounded Overhead Television Personal emergency response unit 
Frayed wires Wall units Grounded 
Near sink Countertop Frayed wires   
  Wall night light Lighting Sensory deficit Safety
Cabinets: within reach Floor night light Overhead 
Counters:      cluttered Flooring:              tile Wall units Hearing deficit 
      Free from clutter                  Floor mats Countertop Right ear 
    Wall night light Left ear 
Plumbing: Other: Floor night light Visual 
Hot/cold water   Flooring              wood Reading glasses 
Leaks reported       Carpeting Distance glasses 
    Secured area rugs Transfer/Ambulation 
Lighting   Telephone Independent 
Overhead   Smoke Detector Partial assist 
Wall units     Total Assist 
Countertop     Gait:              Steady 
Wall night light     Unsteady 
Floor night light       


Develop a Teaching Plan based on the assessment of the well elder’s communication, safety or nutrition (choose one).  Identify the domains of learning (cognitive, affective, psychomotor) for the learning needs.  Incorporate teaching strategies used when the Teaching Plan was implemented and evaluate the effectiveness of the Plan.

Learning need (1)Domain of learning (2)Resources/significant othersContent of the Teaching Plan
                            ___________________ Learning objectives (2)___________________                                         
Teaching strategiesEvaluation of Teaching Plan


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