Mention the types of budgets that you know and give examples of then? 2- What is budgeting? 3- What is directed and indirect cost? 4- Give examples of productive and non-productive hours? 5- What does HMO, PPO, POS means?A) Mention one example of each of then in your city, or state?
Read Chapter on Davis Plus: Finance
1-Mention the types of budgets that you know and give examples of then? 2- What is budgeting? 3- What is directed and indirect cost? 4- Give examples of productive and non-productive hours? 5- What does HMO, PPO, POS means?A) Mention one example of each of then in your city, or state? 6- What is DRGs.? 7- Give some examples of strategies for Cost-conscious nursing practice that your Nursing unit use to lower medical care cost?