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Watch the video “What is the most important influence on child development?” located in Module C (Social & Motor Development).  
Prepare a well-written discussion post explaining how the information you viewed is related to the information and data contained within chapter 3 of the course textbook.  Although the video does not directly speak about motor development and motor skills, use your critical thinking skills to explain how the social context of one’s environment impacts our views and behaviors about health and fitness and, the development of sport and movement skills within in the psychomotor domain.  In your post, link the video information to specific real-life application to exercise and movement.  

(2) What is the most important influence on child development | Tom Weisner | TEDxUCLA – YouTube

(2) Socialization: Crash Course Sociology #14 – YouTube


Social and Motor Development

Social behavior affects a person’s movement behavior, and conversely, there are equally strong effects
on an individual’s social development

A duel, lifelong process of interaction and development through which humans learn:
Who they are
How they are connected to the social worlds in which they live
The orientations and guidelines used as a basis for behavior and group life

Social role – an expected behavior by a social group in a particular situation
Occupational roles (teacher, doctor, lawyer)
Family roles (mother, father, sister, brother)
Norm – a set of expectations about how we should act in a given situation
Socialization teaches members of a society their social roles, occupational roles, family roles and norms

Society’s role expectations influence human motor development
Societal norms can facilitate or impede an individual’s movement development

Self-esteem – how much we believe ourselves to be competent, successful, significant, and worth
Involvement in directed play or physical education can enhance self-esteem in children
Self-concept – perception of self
Self-worth – overall value that one places on oneself as a person

Self-worth Development

Early Childhood
Cannot make judgments about self-worth
Has difficulty discerning between cognitive and physical skills

Mid-late Childhood
Physical appearance and social acceptance are the most important elements of self-worth

Can distinguish feelings about friendship, romantic appeal, and job competence
Friend and teacher support are major contributors to self worth

College Age
Global self-worth becomes a function of perceived self-worth

Further distinction among elements of self-worth attained during previous stage continues

Social Influences
Primary socializing agent during childhood
Major socializing force
School “later” becomes a major socializing force in children

Social Influences During Childhood
Most important socializing force
Family’s view on physical activity determines child’s movement habits
Family can be an important predictor of a child’s future involvement in sport
A nonrestrictive environment encourages motor development

Socialization During Adolescence
Gender role identification
Gender role conflict
Experienced by girls who participate in activity and for boys who do not
Boys are more easily socialized into sports
Boys are supposed to be aggressive and independent; this behavior is not acceptable for girls

Social & Motor Development in Adulthood

15% of adults perform the recommended amount of physical activity

40% do not participate in leisure time physical activity

By age 75, 30% of men and 50% of women engage in no physical activity

23% of adults over the age of 25 yr are obese

Obesity is more common among Mexican American and African American women than white women


Avoiding the
Exercise-Aging Cycle
Exercise may add more years to your life and life to your years.
Appropriate exercises and movement classes to build strength, endurance enhance social, emotional, physical & cognitive domains








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