Referring to Claxton and Wells (Ch. 3, Table 3.3), where do we see elements of the Federalist, Anti-Federalist, and Democratic-Republican ideologies in today’s schools? What has remained and what has changed? What approach do you see as the most valuable in terms of today’s public schools? 



Wells & Clayton, 
Foundations of American Education: A Critical Lens, Chapter 3  (book attached in the assignment)

Kevin Currie-Knight. (Jan. 29, 2019). 
Brief History of K-12 Schooling in America [video; 14:31)

Optional Resources

As American as Public School: 1900–1950. (2000). Stone Lantern Films. [video; 57:56]

LaLee’s Kin: The Legacy of Cotton. (2001). HBO. [video; 1

Please attach a reference page for each assignment

Referring to Claxton and Wells (Ch. 3, Table 3.3), where do we see elements of the Federalist, Anti-Federalist, and Democratic-Republican ideologies in today’s schools? What has remained and what has changed? What approach do you see as the most valuable in terms of today’s public schools? 

You will choose to create a scholarly paper that identifies events which evolved the American education system, specifically in the movement to public schools, the development of secondary schools, and American higher education, from the Colonial Period and the Early National Period.  you will use the texts and one to two other scholarly (peer-reviewed) sources. 

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