Research 2 companies in the same industry Review no less than 6 tweets from each company and compare and contrast their communication strategiesTwitter, company websites.

Research 2 companies in the same industry (for example Walgreens vs CVS, or Pepsi vs Coca Cola, or Nike vs Adidas). Review no less than 6 tweets from each company and compare and contrast their communication strategiesTwitter, company websites (if you do not have a Twitter account, you can still see what they are tweeting on the company’s website) Length: no more than 6 pages, double-spaced (not including cover and references)You should include screenshots of the various Tweets you are analyzing by either including them in the text or by including an appendix with each shot as a picture (this is why this assignment is much longer than other assignments).Summarize this topicAnswer the questionsWhat kind of activity does each company have on Twitter? Does one or the other company Tweet more or less than the other? How many followers does each company have?What kind of promotions does each company use?

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