Select a job that you have held or managed, or that you would like to in the future. Explain in detail how you would go about managing performance for employees in this position.
Select a job that you have held or managed, or that you would like to in the future. Explain in detail how you would go about managing performance for employees in this position.Create a professional written guide explaining how a manager or HR professional would complete this task. Frame your work as a professional document, not a school assignment (other than in-text citations and a References list, where applicable). This guide should be of a level of quality that you could actually give it to a manager in the workplace to demonstrate your knowledge and capabilities in Talent Management.The exact format of your paper is up to you, but the guide should have separate sections addressing each of these topics in detail:Remember to keep your focus on the performance management process, not on the details of your position. You are not expected to set goals for the position in this guide; rather, provide guidance for what factors a manager or HR professional should consider when they are setting goals for their employees.