ummarize to what degree you agree or disagree with the federal government attaching polity conditions to the fiscal assistance provided to states.

Buying Policy? In providing financial assistance to the state governments, the federal government has frequently attached “strings” or conditions, dictating policy to state legislatures. For example, all states now require that individuals be at least 21 years of age to drink alcohol; states adopted such rules because federal legislators in Washington condition transportation funds on enacting tougher anti-drinking laws. Consider how these conditions influence state sovereignty. Prior to beginning work on this assignment, Read: Chapters 5 and 6 in Intergovernmental Relations in Transition: Reflections and DirectionsUnfunded Mandates and Fiscal Structure: Empirical Evidence From a Synthetic Control Model.Links to an external site.Intergovernmental Costs of Political Gridlock: Local Government Cash Flow Smoothing During State Budgetary DelaysLinks to an external site.Watch: 2.6 Explain How Block Grants, Categorical Grants and Federal Mandates Are UsedLinks to an external site. Federal Policies Matter to County GovernmentLinks to an external site. Councilmember Jermain Reed Testifies on Unfunded MandateLinks to an external site. Unfunded Mandates: Examining Federally Imposed Burdens on State and Local GovernmentLinks to an external site.The federal government influences state governments in a variety of ways, which include both funded and unfunded mandates as well as through different types of grants. In this paper, you will explore the influence the federal government on the states.In your paper,Explain the difference between funded and unfunded mandates.Identify the impact of funded and unfunded mandates on state and local governments.Explain the difference between block and categorical grants.Identify how federal grants influence state and local government policy decisions.Summarize to what degree you agree or disagree with the federal government attaching polity conditions to the fiscal assistance provided to states.Argue for or against states refusing federal fiscal assistance when national policy goals do not coincide or directly conflict with state goals.

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