Watch Movie: 28Days, What are Gwen’s symptoms of addiction? Use the symptoms lists.b) What other addiction symptoms did you observe in the other characters?c) What is Gwen’s initial attitude about her addiction?

Watch Movie: 28Days, What are Gwen’s symptoms of addiction? Use the symptoms lists.b) What other addiction symptoms did you observe in the other characters?c) What is Gwen’s initial attitude about her addiction?d) What starts to change Gwen’s behavior and attitude in treatment?e) What did Gwen realize had to change in her life to maintain sobriety?Read the criteria for a Substance Use Disorder in the DSM-5. Using the notes you took as you watched the movie, answer the following questions. Using APA style, include a Title page, double-spaced text,Times New Roman 12-pt font (black ink), and a References page (this includes the DSM-5 and your text). List at least three symptoms you observed in Gwen in the movie. Give detailed examples that support why each one can be classified as a symptom.2. Name at least one other symptom you observed in another character, and give examples.3. What were the general treatment goals for Gwen? Consider the areas where she was confronted and what you observed her struggling to accomplish and understand.

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