What limitations could exist when using this source to understand the past?

Write an Essay What the source and identity category are. Very literally, what is the source?a diary entry, a political cartoon, a news report? What is your identity category in the relevant time period (e.g., what did ?nationality? mean to Europeans in 1899?)? The historical background of the source. What was happening where and when the source was produced that may have influenced the person or people who produced it? The perspective (or ?bias?) of the source. Who created it, when, and why? What point of view does the source promote? Did the creator(s) of the source have a personal, economic, or political stake in how the source was received? Does the source promote blatantly inaccurate information? If so, why? What the source tells us about identity within the historical context in which it was created. Thinking about your identity category, what, if anything, does the source say explicitly? (Meaning, what does the source just come out and say?) What does the source say implicitly? (Meaning, what does the creator leave unsaid, perhaps because it is common knowledge, because it is taboo, etc.?) Your assessment of the source?s usefulness. How helpful is this source to understanding the identity category connected to it? What limitations could exist when using this source to understand the past?

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