Write a program that plays the subtraction game (Nim). We have written a simplied version before….as a reminder, The game is such that there are initially 21 stones. Each player takes turns removing 1-3 stones on their turn (their choice). Play alternates back and forth. The person who takes the last stone is the loser… Rather than having another player have a computer AI remove 1-3 stones randomly (to a degree, when 4 stones or less hard-coded choices). Create at least two functions, aiMove, and userMove…these functions should return the amount of stones to take from the pot.code:import randomdef main(): stones = 21; #TODO: # – Randomly determine starting player # – Alternate between AI and User, calling their methods # – When a player takes the last stone, end the game and state that they lost.def userTurn(sPile): A function that asks the user how many stones to take, and returns that amount. It also checks to make sure that the user enters a valid choice (1-3, or less if the pile of stones doesn’t have 3). :param sPile the number of stones in the pile :return the valid number of stones to take —0 is place holder #TODO: complete the method to ask the user for a number of stones to take (keep asking until valid). return(0)def aiTurn(sPile): A function that randomly generates a number of stones to take…1-3, or use if-statements when 4 or less stones remaining :param sPile the number of stones in the pile :return the valid number of stones to take —0 is place holder #TODO: complete the method to randomly generate the number of stones to take. return(0)main()

Write a program that plays the subtraction game (Nim). We have written a simplied version before….as a reminder, The game is such that there are initially 21 stones. Each player takes turns removing 1-3 stones on their turn (their choice). Play alternates back and forth. The person who takes the last stone is the loser… Rather than having another player have a computer AI remove 1-3 stones randomly (to a degree, when 4 stones or less hard-coded choices). Create at least two functions, aiMove, and userMove…these functions should return the amount of stones to take from the pot.code:import randomdef main(): stones = 21; #TODO: # – Randomly determine starting player # – Alternate between AI and User, calling their methods # – When a player takes the last stone, end the game and state that they lost.def userTurn(sPile): A function that asks the user how many stones to take, and returns that amount. It also checks to make sure that the user enters a valid choice (1-3, or less if the pile of stones doesn’t have 3). :param sPile the number of stones in the pile :return the valid number of stones to take —0 is place holder #TODO: complete the method to ask the user for a number of stones to take (keep asking until valid). return(0)def aiTurn(sPile): A function that randomly generates a number of stones to take…1-3, or use if-statements when 4 or less stones remaining :param sPile the number of stones in the pile :return the valid number of stones to take —0 is place holder #TODO: complete the method to randomly generate the number of stones to take. return(0)main()

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