Write an essay about (or discuss) whether public servants should be held to higher standards than the rest of us

Morality, Ethics and Human Behavior-Assignment

1. Write an essay about (or discuss) whether public servants should be held to higher standards than the rest of us. Touch on the following questions in your response: Should we be concerned about a politician who has extramarital affairs? Drinks to excess? Gambles? Use Drugs? Abuse his or her spouse? What if the person is a police officer? A judge? Should a female police officer be sanctioned for posing naked in a men’s magazine, using pieces of her uniform as “props”? Should a probation officer socialize in bars that his or her probationers are likely to frequent? Should a prosecutor be extremely active in a political party and then make decisions regarding targets of “public integrity” investigations of politicians?
2. Write an essay about (or discuss) a difficult ethical dilemma that you faced. What was it? What were the options available to you? Who was affected by your decision? Were there any laws, rules, or guidelines that affected your decision? How did you make your decision?
How Ethics Can Help You Make Better Decisions-TEDx Talk
Please watch the video and give three key points or statements that you didn’t know before watching the video. And how can you apply these three points or statement to your life, family, job or community.

https://youtu.be/BAswj8evFZkLinks to an external site.

Ethical Dilemma: Determining Moral Behavior

Situation 1

You are a manager of a retail store. The owner of the store gives you permission to hire a fellow classmate to help out. One day you see the classmate take some clothing from the store. When confronted by you, the peer laughs it off and says the owner is insured, no one is hurt, and it was under $100, “Besides, ” says your acquaintance, “friends stick together, right?” What would you do?

Situation 2

You have a best friend who has confessed a terrible secret to you. Today the man is married and has two children. He has a good family, has a good life, and is a good citizen. However, 14 years earlier he killed a woman. A homeless person was accused of the crime but died before he could be tried and punished. Nothing good can come of this man’s confession. His family will suffer, and no one is at risk of being mistaken as the murderer. What would you advise him to do?
Determining Moral Behavior-Assignment

*Please do both assignments*

1. Write an essay on (or discuss) whether civil disobedience is ever justified. Discuss war protesters or antiabortion activists who are arrested for trespassing and so on. If you believe that civil disobedience might be justified, when and in what circumstances would be acceptable?
2. Write an essay on (or discuss) how the government should distribute societal resources such as education and healthcare. How would you answer the argument of a couple who did not believe they should have to pay school taxes because they have no children? What about the argument that rich school districts should share their wealth with poor districts (keeping in mind that those who pay higher taxes in that district might have moved there because of the reputation of the school)? What are the arguments for and against universal healthcare?
How Culture Drives Behaviors-TEDx Talk
Please watch the video and give three key points or statements that you didn’t know before watching the video. And how can you apply these three points or statement to your life, family, job or community.

https://youtu.be/l-Yy6poJ2zsLinks to an external site.

All major assignments for this course will be submitted electronically using Canvas. Please use a
standard 12-point font such as Times New Roman, Palatino, or Garamond. Use one inch margins
and standard MLA or APA headers, (citation style according to the discipline), and double-space
all documents.
Certain daily assignments, such as reading quizzes, will be composed in-class. Therefore, please
be sure you are prepared with ample pens, pencils, and notebook paper, and make sure you
include your name, title of the course and date on all submissions. Your response to all
assignments must be 100 words or more for each question in order to get full credit for that
particular assignment. Do not send assignments to my email address but upload them in

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