You have been assigned a new case involving a family from a culture about which you know nothing, what can you do in preparation for your first meeting with the clients? What can you do in the initial session with the clients to enhance your relationship with them? How can you know what the experience was like for the client?

September 4 thru September 10, 2023 – An Ecological -Developmental Framework for Helping Children -TOPIC: CHALLENGES FOR PRACTITIONERS IN HELPING Based on your reading from Chapter 2 and other reading/videos reviewed please integrate the information and respond to the following questions. I.  Chapter 2, page 35, please respond to one (1) of the following questions: = 2.5 Pointsa) If you have been assigned a new case involving a family from a culture about which you know nothing, what can you do in preparation for your first meeting with the clients? What can you do in the initial session with the clients to enhance your relationship with them? How can you know what the experience was like for the client?or respond to:b) Suppose that in the case conference about Jose’ it becomes apparent that the foster care worker is vehemently opposed to the possibility of future family reunification following the mother’s discharge from prison. The school social worker, knowing how much Jose’ misses his mother continues to collaborate with the foster care worker in the face of this disagreement about goals. How would you reach a compromise? What things would you look at related to the best interest of Jose’? II. MANDATORY: Each Student will share her/his comments and impressions regarding the following YouTube video that you viewed last week entitled “What you can do to help: Uchenna| Umeh TedAlief . = 4.5 pts.Respond to this student response below. a) If you have been assigned a new case involving a family from a culture about which you know nothing, what can you do in preparation for your first meeting with the clients? What can you do in the initial session with the clients to enhance your relationship with them? How can you know what the experience was like for the client?If I was assigned a new case involving a family from a culture that I know nothing about, there are various ways that I can prepare for my first meeting with the clients. For example, I can do my own research about the individuals culture and understand the important aspects of their culture. At times, there can be gestures and words that are okay to say in one’s culture but in another person’s culture it might not be okay. An example of this is “in Iran and neighboring countries like Afghanistan, the thumbs-up is equivalent to the middle finger!” explains Dana Hooshmand, an author for Discover DiscomfortLinks to an external site., a language- and culture learning resource” (Jones, 2023). In the initial session with the clients in order to enhance my relationship with the client, it’s imperative that I make the client feel as comfortable as possible and allow them to tell me who they are, rather than me trying to say who I think they are based off my research. I should not step any boundaries but let my client know that I’m not there to judge them in any way but rather guide them in the most positive direction possible. After the meeting, there are many ways that I can know what the experience was like for the client. For example, the easiest way is for the client to tell me that they enjoyed the meeting or clients body language can be a cue as to whether they’re comfortable or not. Furthermore, at times clients will leave reviews on websites to ensure others know about their experience.Post the following in response to the “YouTube” video.ReferencesJones, Meghan. (2023, February 10). 10 common hand gestures that are rude in other countries. Reader’s Digest. Respond to this student’s response below- (student response 2)1a: As a social workers, you will be placed in various situations with clients from all walks of life. In this situation, how can a social worker address a client who comes from a culture different from their own? During the first session with this client, a few things need to be established. First, personal characteristics such as age, race, and gender should be defined. This provides the social worker with a good foundation for who this client is and can build from there. Secondly, a social worker should consider building a culturagram that defines the clients background, beliefs and values. Next, the social worker must consider their own self awareness. Even if unfamiliar with the culture the client has, it is important for a social worker to consider your own experiences, what you know of that culture and any information given by the client to make a connection to them. In recent years, social work programs have strived to bridge the game between cultures and backgrounds to prepare social workers for the field. Using those courses as well as understanding the NASW ethics regarding culture can help guide a social work through the process of growing their self awareness. Lastly, a social worker should emphasize with the client. The client needs to establish trust between themselves and the social worker. Feeling heard and understood can go a long way, especially in the first session. 2: Dr.Aimee had a lot to say about childhood trauma, most of which was incredibly impactful. Initially, her comparison of depression to “low hanging fruit” seemed dismissive, but as she went on to explain her reasoning for this, her thoughts on the topic rang true. Trauma can spark depressive thoughts, actions and feelings in all ages of people. It is isn’t limited to children. However, children often feel unheard during adolescence and struggle to trust those around them with these feelings. While depression is a leading cause of suicide in youth today, it is not the only factor, which she continues to explain. Guilt, shame and fear can also contribute to suicidal thoughts. It’s important to understand where these feelings are coming from and refrain from belittling a child who experiences them. While something small like watching a fight at school may seem normal for an adult, to a child that can be incredibly traumatic and set them off course. After the end of the video, I felt insightful and well informed. I was a crisis line operator before and I had to deal with calls from suicidal youth that struggled with depression while others struggled with the lingering feelings of a traumatic experience. People don’t often consider why someone may have these feelings. The thoughts of suicide may not even be tied to depression, so it was great to hear someone explain this in a way that continued the discussion. Lastly, I want to reinforce a factor of social work or mental health in general. I recently had a class discussion that focused on whether a person who has experienced a mental disorder or is currently in treatment for one can practice. It’s people like Dr. Umeh, people like me, who can use their trauma and their history to empathize and support support their clients. Trauma can be healed and in turn be used to help others heal and I think that’s a miraculous thing to see. Links to an external site.(2020). YouTube. Retrieved September 5, 2023, from  Post the following in response to the “YouTube” video.

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